When I learned of this demonstration garden a few months ago, I realized that this is a wonderful tool available to livestock farmers in the area. I am very happy to announce that the first Land Connection field day of this summer season will be held at the garden. Dr. Biehl will identify plants that are common to central Illinois pasturelands and he will describe the symptoms that affected livestock would exhibit from consuming the various poisonous plants. We will also be bringing in a horticulture expert who will describe various control methods available to farmer who find their pastures are stricken with a noxious weed.
The garden is open to private tours only, which is understandable given the noxious nature of its inhabitants! This field day is an excellent opportunity to learn more about what may be lurking in your pastures!
I hope to see you on June 15 at 5:30pm. Registration is $5, refreshments will be available.