This Friday is the last day for employees and alumni to sign up for the University of Illinois’ Campus Charitable Fund Drive (CCFD). This year the University hopes to have over $1.5 million donated to 12 umbrella organizations and hundreds of non-profits across the state through the annual workplace giving campaign. Employees can set up a profile on the CCFD website, choose the charities they wish to support, and set up automatic paycheck withdrawals. It’s an incredibly easy way to donate a few dollars from each paycheck to charities of your choice and have a lasting impact on the community work being done in Champaign-Urbana.
You can donate to The Land Connection through EarthShare Illinois, which is one of the 12 umbrella organizations that are a part of the Campus Charitable Fund Drive this year. All you have to do is designate EarthShare Illinois as one of your Umbrella Agencies and put The Land Connection as one of your charity designations (see the form below). You can also select The Land Connection in the online giving portal as one of your charity designations and fill in how much you want to give over 12 months. You can either give a lump sum or split it out over the number of pay periods you have in a year and the amount will be pulled from your paycheck.
It’s an easy way to support The Land Connection and the work we do, a little bit at a time. Learn more about CCFD and how easy it is to give as part of recurring payroll deductions by visiting the CCFD website and sign up today before it’s too late!