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Financial Risk Management for Specialty Crop Farmers

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Welcome to Financial Risk Management for Specialty Crop Farmers! This self-directed course was designed specifically for specialty crop producers with a few years of experience running a farm business, though the information is applicable to farmers at many stages of development. The content presented here was drawn largely from a text developed by The Land Connection and written by farmers and professionals serving farmers. That text can be downloaded here.

The modules presented in this course follow the chapters from that text, covering (1) Financial Analysis & Planning, (2) Accessing Capital, (3) Accessing Farmland, (4) Insurance, (5) Business Management, and (6) Long-term Planning. Each module is broken into a series of 3-5 lessons that are supplemented with videos, links, and resources for further reading. Most lessons also include a short quiz to check your learning.

We are incredibly grateful to the authors that contributed to this resource. Thank You!

Amy Bacigalupo, The Land Stewardship Project
Harriet Behar, Sweet Springs Farm
Hans Bishop, PrairiErth Farm, Inc.
Katie Bishop, PrairiErth Farm, Inc.
Cree Bradley, Chelsea Morning Farm and Never Summer Sugarbush
Leslie Cooperband, Prairie Fruits Farm & Creamery
Brian DeVore, The Land Stewardship Project
Paul Dietmann, Compeer Financial
Wes Jarell, Prairie Fruits Farm & Creamery
Maggie Taylor, Delight Flower Farm
Robin Moore, The Land Stewardship Project
Karen Stettler, The Land Stewardship Project
Larry Wood

This course is funded in partnership by USDA, Risk Management Agency, under award number RM18RMEPP22C011.

All rights reserved. The material in this text may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of The Land Connection. Reproduction and distribution, in whole or in part, by nonprofit, research or educational institutions for their own use is permitted if proper credit is given, with full citation, and copyright is acknowledged. Any other reproduction or distribution, in whatever form and by whatever media, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of The Land Connection.

FCIC/RMA has a non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable, irrevocable license to reproduce, prepare derivative work and distribute copies of this work.


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