Wyatt Muse, grain marketer for Clarkson Grain and organic farmer, delivers a presentation on emerging opportunities for diversified organic grain markets in Illinois, with a focus on marketing transitional grain.
Establishing Field Plans and Crop Rotations at Goldmine Farms
Jack Erisman, veteran organic farmer and owner of Goldmine Farm, presents a farm tour where he discusses his double seven year rotation and field management of organic grain crops. He explains the importance of the farmer’s relationship with the land, the importance of diversity in organic systems, and how those culminate in the creation of […]
Establishing Organic System Plans
Harriet Behar, organic specialist with MOSES, delivers a presentation on crafting organic system plans for your grain farm.
Planning for Success in Weed Management
Gary McDonald, an organic consultant, delivers a presentation on weed management in organic grain cropping systems and how weed management is key to a successful yield.
Diversity is the Key to Adversity
Dave Bishop of PrairiErth Farm delivers a presentation on the importance of diversity in organic farming systems.
Guide to Transitioning to Organic Grain Production in Illinois
Introduction Illinois is known for its soil, and the swath of drummer silty clay loam, or black dirt, running across central Illinois, is considered some of the most fertile in the world. Despite the exceptionally productive soil, most farmers use conventional methods that employ synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides. Those methods, coupled with plowing, […]